It’s Time to Legalize All Drugs

We’ve known for 81 years that alcohol prohibition led to more violent crime and more alcohol related deaths. We have known for some time that the “War On Drugs”, is ineffective and costly in terms of dollars and human lives, but the USG continues to perpetuate this failed policy. Thousands upon thousands of people have been brutally murdered because of the nature of drug prohibition. Half of all federal prisoners are non-violent drug offenders.

(cartoon credit link:)

The USG’s drug policy and the so called “War On Terror” has transformed this country into a police state. It’s time to get rid of the DEA and DHS.

The legalization of pot in two states is already having a huge effect on the marijuana market, causing cartels to lose market share in the lucrative illicit drug trade. One Mexican pot farmer is quoted as saying, “It’s not worth it anymore. I wish the Americans would stop with this legalization.”

Divide et impera?

Divide and Conquer. The Washington ruling class (equally consisting of Republicans and Democrats) has perfected this strategy. It makes no difference what party is in power, the oligarchical trifecta of banksters, politicians and crony capitalists have you precisely where they want you. Firmly under their thumb. The media who are a wholly owned subsidiary of the ruling class and are permanently in their back pocket, are enthusiastic supporters of this little arrangement. Six companies now control 90% of the news outlets. Thank God for the internet.

The political class reminds us constantly of the importance to be “involved”. Translated, that means, “give me your energy, time and money”. They want us to show up at caucuses, conventions, parties and parades and extol the supposed virtues they espouse, all the while having their hands firmly in both of your pockets. They want to make sure we get out and vote, because if only they and their party are in power will we get the change we so desperately desire. However, the change never comes.

In Minnesota, my home state, a bipartisan coalition (the media loves bipartisanship because it’s always the Republicans caving to the Democrats) decided to rob the taxpayers to build a billion dollar stadium for billionaire owners and millionaire players to give us our circuses. This is a classic example of the political elite portraying themselves as different from their opponent in public, but behind closed doors at the Capitol, they are colluding to develop new and exiting ways to hold a gun to your head, steal from you and give the money to their friends.

Those who know me know I have renounced the Republican party. I’m tired of getting patted on the back the day before the election, only to get kneed in the groin the day after. Don’t play their silly little games any more. They will never do what they say and they will not change anything. They have no track record of following through with their rhetoric either in Minnesota or in Washington. This is by design.

The media orchestrated squabbling between the politicians and/or the “analysts and strategists” is a clever ruse to get you to take sides. The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street have more in common than the media would have you believe. We need to unite around the idea that we are free men and the ruling class needs to be abolished. Stop participating in their mind-control schemes.

Remember the words of Jesus, “every city or house divided against itself shall not stand”.



Updates on the Rusty Chevy II

As promised in an earlier article, albeit a little late, here’s some updated pictures on my progress. The car is for the most part done. There are a few minor tweaks I need to do like fixing the gas gauge and calibrating the speedometer, but I have been driving it. It’s a blast to drive, however with the steep Ford gears, she’s wound up pretty tight at highway speeds. It sure does get there fast though! I’m already thinking upgrades. A Tremec 6 speed would really be cool…..

As soon as I got the interior finished, I took it to the History Cruze that occurs on Friday evenings in the summer in North Saint Paul. After leaving the event and coming home on Highway 36, while accelerating I heard a nasty noise. It was a loud metal on metal noise. Unfortunately it was raining, so I slowed down to assess the situation. I still had oil pressure, it wasn’t overheating and it was still charging so I knew the belt was on. I decided I must have run over something. However, when I returned home I found the culprit. The alternator fan self destructed and bent my hood from the inside out! I was super bummed. The estimate to repair it is $1500. Oh, well.


Alternator fan failure!

Busted Fan

Busted Fan

Overall, I’m really happy with the way it turned out. I’m not sure if I would do another one from the ground up like that again. It’s a lot of work.

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Intermittant Stalling Problem.

I have a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 284,000 miles that has probably been the most dependable vehicle I’ve ever owned. I bought the truck with 160k on it ten years ago and it’s been my daily driver ever since. Minnesota winters are beginning to take their toll on the body, but it still looks OK. About a year ago, as I was driving along and as I came to a stop sign, the engine quit. I thought, “that’s strange”, hit the key and it started right up. It stalled three or four more times in the next couple of minutes and I had visions of riding in a tow truck back to my shop. It didn’t do it again and for several months ran perfectly. It started to do it again with a little more frequency, but always restarted. I knew I should do something about it, but since it always restarted, I blew it off. I was pretty sure it was probably some sort of input, most likely the crankshaft sensor, but there was not the telltale code that usually accompanies a failing crank sensor.

Since I’m really cheap, I decided to order a crank sensor for $21.95 with free shipping (a 1/3 of what the parts store wanted) on Ebay as well as some new sway bar links that I knew were failing (1/3 of what the parts stored charged as well). I’m happy to report no more stalling. Also no more clunking with the installation of the new links.

On my way to 300k!


New Legislation Would Repeal Laws that Brought the Surveillance State

Your neighbors and coworkers are watching your every move. Remotely operated drones hover overhead automatically cataloging everything that moves. A faceless computer somewhere in the middle of a desert is recording every electronic interaction you make. Agents stand by waiting to violate your person and rifle through your belongings when you travel. Swarms of militarized police await their orders to come barreling through your door at the drop of a hat.

With the stroke of a pen they’ve defined you as a terrorist and authorized your execution. Then they gave themselves the mandate to arrest and detain you without charge or trial. They’ve even created a secret court that can determine your guilt without publicly presenting any evidence against you.

According to our government it is not only justified, but perfectly legal, and those in power often cite thousands of pages of laws and  regulations, all made possible by Congressional mandates like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act.

This is the police state in which you live.

~Mac Slavo

Read the whole article

This isn’t a future scenario. It’s what’s happening NOW! We have allowed it to happen under the guise of stopping “terrorists” and a blind faith that the government will keep us safe. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Who will keep us safe from the government?

It makes the writings of Huxley, Orwell and Rand seem almost prophetic. Scary.

My Rupp Mini Bike

As I mentioned in a previous post, my early fascination with all things motorized led me to purchase a Rupp Roadster 2 when I was 13. The summer before I had rode along with our neighbors to Bob’s Bike Shop in Spring Valley, MN to purchase a new Rupp for their kids. Walking through the showroom was absolutely euphoric to a young person such as myself. I had to have one! I worked the entire next summer to save enough money and bought one used from Scott Koster in Lime Springs for $135.

Continue reading

CNBC’s Kudlow Report admits we’re slaves to the Banksters

You know things are getting bad when the mainstream media is talking about being slaves to the central bankers. It has been apparent to most of us who advocate free markets that the markets have been manipulated by Fed policy not by the marketplace. Now the pundits are actually conceding the point. It’s probably too late, but maybe they are finally seeing the “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Urpharsin”.

Ron Paul’s Farewell Address

This almost moved me to tears. I would also suggest reading the transcript. Very powerful. I will miss this man.

This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor. At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36-year period. My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today: promote peace and prosperity by a strict adherence to the principles of individual liberty. Continue reading