It’s Time to Legalize All Drugs

We’ve known for 81 years that alcohol prohibition led to more violent crime and more alcohol related deaths. We have known for some time that the “War On Drugs”, is ineffective and costly in terms of dollars and human lives, but the USG continues to perpetuate this failed policy. Thousands upon thousands of people have been brutally murdered because of the nature of drug prohibition. Half of all federal prisoners are non-violent drug offenders.

(cartoon credit link:)

The USG’s drug policy and the so called “War On Terror” has transformed this country into a police state. It’s time to get rid of the DEA and DHS.

The legalization of pot in two states is already having a huge effect on the marijuana market, causing cartels to lose market share in the lucrative illicit drug trade. One Mexican pot farmer is quoted as saying, “It’s not worth it anymore. I wish the Americans would stop with this legalization.”

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