Republicans Are Getting Itchy Trigger Fingers

Today on Dave Thompson’s radio show on KTLK, Thompson was interviewing Congressman John Kline from Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District. While Kline doesn’t hide the fact that he’s a warmonger, like most of his Republican colleagues, it was surprising to hear just how candid he was in expressing his desire to get the US involved in another conflict.

It was not surprising to hear Kline excoriate the Obama administration-well deserved no doubt-while letting Obama’s predecessor completely off the hook. Very few Republicans are willing to go off the reservation and criticize one of their own, even if it’s well deserved. Considering the Bush Administration is mostly responsible for the creation of ISIS, hopefully more Republicans will begin to see their party for what it is and hold their neocon counterparts responsible for the atrocities they’ve committed.

Thompson, to his credit, put forward the forgotten concept of a congressional declaration of war before starting another conflict abroad. He got a tepid acknowledgement from Kline who quickly moved on. The Republicans certainly don’t want The Executive to be hampered by procedure when it comes to starting a new war.

The White House is seemingly confused and conflicted about who we need to bomb next. ISIS or the Assad regime? It sounds like it could be both, kind of an even day/odd day affair according to David Stockman. According to this AP article, “In an effort to avoid unintentionally strengthening the Syrian government, the White House could seek to balance strikes against the Islamic State with attacks on Assad regime targets.” This is the most schizophrenic brand of foreign policy we’ve seen in some time. Considering most of the politicians in Washington are psychopaths, I guess that stands to reason.

Will you be fooled again?

Don’t Steal Cigars

Or you may be gunned down in the street. Is this the message Ferguson police are trying to send by releasing the video of Michael Brown in the convenience store? Since the facts are unclear, we should definitely withhold judgement in this particular case, however, it is bringing to light the vast accounts of inappropriate, unnecessary and deadly law enforcement responses due to perceived danger to “law enforcement officials”.

While the neocon warmongers would have you believe “terrorism” is all the justification we need for a National Police State, statistically it would appear we have more to fear from “Law Enforcement” than “Terrorists”.

More Americans have perished at the hands of “Law Enforcement” than terrorists since 9/11. Many unjustifiably so.

The incident in Ferguson is the most recent example of how lethal the combination of “Law Enforcement” and their mantra of “Officer Safety” are. Unbeknownst to most people only a few days earlier a black man was gunned down by cops a few miles from Ferguson. Cell phone video refuted the cop’s testimony and it is now abundantly apparent they did not need to use lethal force on this poor man who was obviously mentally impaired.

MRAP’s, Swat Teams and militarized police coming to a town near you! Or maybe your town.

The lesson in the next video is never, ever, ever call the cops. This poor mentally ill family member was in the bathroom threatening suicide. The family calls the cops and they show up and do the job for him. Evidently, these slobs have a penchant for donuts as they’re extremely overweight which is typical for “law enforcement” personnel.

Update: An interesting link sent by one of my readers.

It’s Time to Legalize All Drugs

We’ve known for 81 years that alcohol prohibition led to more violent crime and more alcohol related deaths. We have known for some time that the “War On Drugs”, is ineffective and costly in terms of dollars and human lives, but the USG continues to perpetuate this failed policy. Thousands upon thousands of people have been brutally murdered because of the nature of drug prohibition. Half of all federal prisoners are non-violent drug offenders.

(cartoon credit link:)

The USG’s drug policy and the so called “War On Terror” has transformed this country into a police state. It’s time to get rid of the DEA and DHS.

The legalization of pot in two states is already having a huge effect on the marijuana market, causing cartels to lose market share in the lucrative illicit drug trade. One Mexican pot farmer is quoted as saying, “It’s not worth it anymore. I wish the Americans would stop with this legalization.”