The Ever Elusive World Peace

In this season when we sing songs about peace on earth and the Prince of Peace, we come to the stark realization that there is no peace on earth. In fact, for the last century the U.S. has been perpetually embroiled in some world conflict. I hope you’re not becoming weary of my rants about war, but as most readers know I am passionate about the subject and believe it to be the most monumental scourge on mankind.

As Christians, we must reject the idea of war and hegemony (including the arrogant premise that the U.S. is exceptional) and embrace the idea of peaceful relations with all men. Of course the Source of peace is Jesus Christ and we should be ambassadors of His kingdom to the world.


The last time the West was reasonably peaceful was early on in the nineteenth century after the Napoleonic wars. The generations in the aftermath of Napoleon’s conquests were loath to have a repeat. After centuries of colonialism, the British Empire gave up mercantilism  and trade restrictions and introduced the concept of free trade. Laissez-faire free market trade was in vogue and there was little in the way of government interference. Tariffs were low or nonexistent. Classical liberal ideas prevailed. Adam Smith influenced many to see that nations would be more prosperous trading with their neighbors than through conquest.

Later in the century things began to change. Political leaders with the desire to increase their influence around the world began to build up their military strength. Tariffs increased dramatically and led to trade wars and ultimately military conflict.

About the same time the U.S. was still mired in discord regarding it’s own policies. Henry Clay and the Whigs, purveyors of the “American System”, endorsed mercantilism, which was similar to modern day crony capitalism. The mercantilist tariff system mostly benefited Northern elites to the detriment of the South. Lincoln was a protege of Clay. The South did not appreciate the fact that the North was getting better end of the deal and wished to secede. We know how well that worked out.

There are strong corollaries at work here. Peace results when men are left alone to freely associate and trade without the interference of the state. War results when the state interferes with free association and trade. It’s really not that complicated.

Had the South been left alone and allowed to freely part ways, there would have been no war. There would have not been 750,000 deaths and who knows how many maimed. Lincoln is credited with “saving” the Union. What exactly did he save?

Had men in Europe been allowed to freely associate and trade without the State interfering, World War One would have never taken place. There would not have been the political will for an Adolph Hitler, a Mussolini or a Stalin to come to power had the first war not taken place. What a different place the world could be.

The State is intrinsically evil. Politicians and bureaucrats are by nature narcissistic at best and psychotic at worst.  Governments are responsible for killing 260 million people in the 20th century. The U.S. government is culpable as any. The U.S. government is not exceptional, no matter how much they proclaim they are.

First, people must reject the nationalist fervor that propels this nation into one war after the other if we ever expect anything to change. Once the people decide to deny the State their progeny and their labor, the beast will starve. Unfortunately a large percentage of the people continue not just to acquiesce to, but wholeheartedly endorse the obvious failed policies of the neoconservative warmongers! The level of intellectual dishonesty exhibited by supporters of this whacked system is staggering.

Secondly, we must begin to dismantle this system our fathers and grandfathers abided over. I’m not blaming them, for they were duped. We don’t have to be. We know the truth. Accurate information about our history is so freely available now we have no excuse. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to undo what took three or four generations to establish. It won’t be easy, but it must be done.

Below are two must read articles that are very relevant to the subject of world peace. The first was written 10 years ago by Jim Powell. The second written on Christmas day by David Stockman. Reading the most recent article makes the first one seem almost prophetic.

Jim Powell: A Libertarian View of the Worst Catastrophe in History.

David Stockman: Why There is No Peace On Earth