Bread and Circuses

Since I’ve been an adult, I’ve always considered watching professional sports a waste of time. The baser tribal instincts displayed by spectators/fans is clearly indicative of herd mentality. Running with the herd has never been my strong point, even though at times in my life it seemed like the right thing to do. Departing the herd is very freeing.

Now I simply refuse to watch professional sports, particularly NFL football. It is estimated 114 million people watched the Super Bowl. Where else can you get a third of the population to sit down and be mesmerized while administering them large doses of propaganda? Frankly, it is amazing so many people are willing to subject themselves to it.

The reasons for not participating are many. Here are a few:

Virtually every stadium where NFL games are played are heavily subsidized by the taxpayers. Many team owners have seen their net worth skyrocket once a new stadium is built, without ever risking a dime of their own capital. Guess who’s behind the fleecing of the citizens? I’ll give you a clue, it rhymes with “the publicans”.

The U.S. military in cahoots with the NFL conducts regular military worship rituals at games where they have huge captive audiences. No wonder American Sniper is a huge hit at the box office. I won’t see that either, but that’s fodder for another post. Military worship, particularly among evangelicals has risen to sickening levels. I thought Christians were supposed to emulate Christ?

The halftime entertainment at least when I’ve watched it in the past, is usually a culturally significant display of debauchery, decadence and lewdness. (Forgive the redundancy, one word just didn’t seem enough.) Certainly not something you want your prepubescent children watching.

The Oligarchs having seemingly perfected the art of propaganda, keep bringing it to new levels. The military-industrial complex needs you. By watching their circuses, you are giving your tacit support of their evil deeds. NFL football and the explosion of “Reality TV” are spectacular examples of the power of groupthink.

Who won anyway? Was it the Baltimore Colts?