The Ugly Consequences of the War On Drugs

45 years ago in June, Richard Nixon declared a “war on drugs”. Like most Republican politicians who claim to be for a smaller, less intrusive government, Nixon embarked on a decades-long debacle that has turned into an exercise in futility. This failed program has cost hundreds of billions of dollars, has imprisoned hundreds of thousands of non-violent people who never harmed anyone (a highly disproportionate percentage are people of color) , and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people south of the border. Just statistics.

The DEA has 11,000 tax-feeders in its employ, which like all federal agencies, makes the idea of abolishing it anathema to the politicians. Which is why the likelihood of it going away is about the same as the IRS or the DHS.


The CDC reported that in 2010 there were approximately 30,000 unintentional drug overdose deaths with the majority being LEGAL prescription drugs. There were zero deaths from marijuana. That means about a third of reported traffic accident deaths for that same period. Should there not be a “War On Cars” using the same rationale? If you consider what the EPA has done to the automotive industry, particularly the latest VW fiasco, you could make that argument, but that’s a subject for a different article.

A rational person would come to the conclusion that this is a failed policy and needs to be repealed. But as we know, politicians don’t do anything that could be considered rational. Every decision made by them is politically motivated and calculated. The populace has become so easily manipulated and so fixated on safety, those that rule us are able to continue with their liberty-robbing schemes carte blanche.

Matthew Heineman directed the recent film Cartel Land which documents the Autodefensa movement in Michoacán, Mexico. You can watch it on Netflix. It is a compelling account of brutality, sorrow and death brought on by the local drug cartels. It is difficult to watch. It invokes many emotions, mostly anger. There are scenes that will make you weep and other that make you want to vomit.

The movement, spearheaded by Doctor José Manuel Mireles, was an attempt to organize the local citizens to arm themselves in order to keep the Knight’s Templar cartel out of the towns and villages because the government was not doing it. In fact, it’s pretty clear the Mexican government is complicit in ensuring the cartel remains in existence. Not a whole lot different than the U.S. government’s complicity in the perpetuation of the illegal drug trade. A whole lot of people would be out of a job if drugs suddenly became legal.

The film is depressing and gives little hope of change. But what it does clearly point out is the fact that the problems occurring in Mexico are a direct result of the U.S. drug policy.

Most Republican politicians, and to be fair, many Democrats, continually pat themselves on the back about how they keep us safe from drugs and terrorists, when it is their policies that are the direct cause of the afflictions on us and our brethren south of the border. Have you ever wondered why we have the “War on Drugs”, “The War on Terror”, and the “War on Poverty”?

Randolph Bourne explained that, “War is The Health of The State“. It is not by chance the government refers to its exploits as a war. It is first meant to mask their true intentions, and then to enlist the support of the people who would normally not endorse the government’s contrivances.

John Henry Wigmore , one of the most influential jurists in American history explains that in wartime, “all principles of normal internal order may be suspended. As property may be taken and corporal service may be conscripted, so liberty of speech may be limited or suppressed, so far as deemed needful for the successful conduct of the war.” In other words, in wartime, the Constitution is a worthless scrap of paper. The awful truth is, as we unfortunately know, the Constitution has NEVER performed its intended purpose, which is to restrain government.

The “War on Drugs” is a war on freedom. It punishes innocent people and creates insidious black markets that that unscrupulous and dangerous men are more than willing to meet the demand of. Did we learn nothing from alcohol prohibition? Apparently not.

The U.S. has been reduced to a nation of sniveling cowards begging the government to keep them safe and provide their every need. Warfare and Welfare. What the people apparently fail to realize is, every time they allow the government to intervene on their behalf, they not only become less safe, they lose more of their freedom. And in the case of the “War on Drugs” and “The War on Terror”, other people lose their property and their lives as a result.

The Iowa Republican Caucus Winner

Facebook is buzzing with the news of Ted Cruz’s victory over Donald Trump in Iowa. The Evangelical Right is once again deluding themselves that their new candidate is the anointed one. Cruz has done a masterful job convincing his supporters that he is an anti-establishment, Christian candidate and even a libertarian. But is that accurate?

Reading his website would make you think this guy is purer than the driven snow. He touts his Baptist credentials, his humble beginnings and his commitment to “life”. Except when it concerns capital punishment of course or ISIS, then the whole life thing goes out the window. He even has a prayer team! It’s a great package for the neocon-warvangelical crowd.


The laziness and gullibility of those who first claim to be followers of Christ and then endorse a demagogue who is merely masquerading as one of them is astonishing. It appears as though the candidates know they can count on it. Obviously!

It doesn’t take much digging to unearth the real Ted Cruz. Princeton and Harvard, worked for the FTC, The Department of Justice as an associate AG, Domestic Policy Adviser to George W. Bush, Solicitor General of Texas, Adjunct Law Professor, United States Senator and now Candidate for POTUS. Married to a Goldman Sachs banker. Yup, sounds like a real outsider.

This guy talks out of both sides of his mouth, but hey, in his defense, he is a very skilled politician. That’s what they all do. He calls the Council On Foreign relations a “pit of viper”s, however his wife was a member. How inconvenient. He proclaims that he would never bail out the big banks, but he got insider loans, by leveraging his retirement accounts, to fund his Senate campaign. Which, by the way, he failed to disclose to the FEC. When the big banksters are asking for their next big bailout, which will happen, it’s pretty unlikely President Cruz will bite the hand that has fed him so well.

His campaign manager, Chad Sweet, former DHS, former Goldman Sachs, former CIA. Insider.

His foreign policy advisor, James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA, is connected to PNAC, a neocon think tank associated with the likes of Bill Kristol. Insider.

One campaign volunteer, Dan Gabriel, runs a company, Applied Memetics LLC, that specializes in modern day propaganda. Their mission seems quasi-Hegelian.

Others connected with his campaign are major Washington insiders capable of pulling some massive strings.

Don’t kid yourself, this guy is far from an outsider, in fact he’s about as inside as you can get. He is NOT a libertarian. Just saying you are doesn’t make you one. How in the world can anybody with an internet connection fall for this tripe? But they do. According to Gabriel’s Applied Memetics company website, “Memes propagate themselves and can move through the cultural sociosphere in a manner similar to the contagious behavior of a virus.”  Edward Bernays would be proud. Those that succumb to the propaganda should be ashamed.

Good further reading below:

Roger Stone’s analysis of Ted Cruz

Kurt Nimmo’s take.


The Ever Elusive World Peace

In this season when we sing songs about peace on earth and the Prince of Peace, we come to the stark realization that there is no peace on earth. In fact, for the last century the U.S. has been perpetually embroiled in some world conflict. I hope you’re not becoming weary of my rants about war, but as most readers know I am passionate about the subject and believe it to be the most monumental scourge on mankind.

As Christians, we must reject the idea of war and hegemony (including the arrogant premise that the U.S. is exceptional) and embrace the idea of peaceful relations with all men. Of course the Source of peace is Jesus Christ and we should be ambassadors of His kingdom to the world.


The last time the West was reasonably peaceful was early on in the nineteenth century after the Napoleonic wars. The generations in the aftermath of Napoleon’s conquests were loath to have a repeat. After centuries of colonialism, the British Empire gave up mercantilism  and trade restrictions and introduced the concept of free trade. Laissez-faire free market trade was in vogue and there was little in the way of government interference. Tariffs were low or nonexistent. Classical liberal ideas prevailed. Adam Smith influenced many to see that nations would be more prosperous trading with their neighbors than through conquest.

Later in the century things began to change. Political leaders with the desire to increase their influence around the world began to build up their military strength. Tariffs increased dramatically and led to trade wars and ultimately military conflict.

About the same time the U.S. was still mired in discord regarding it’s own policies. Henry Clay and the Whigs, purveyors of the “American System”, endorsed mercantilism, which was similar to modern day crony capitalism. The mercantilist tariff system mostly benefited Northern elites to the detriment of the South. Lincoln was a protege of Clay. The South did not appreciate the fact that the North was getting better end of the deal and wished to secede. We know how well that worked out.

There are strong corollaries at work here. Peace results when men are left alone to freely associate and trade without the interference of the state. War results when the state interferes with free association and trade. It’s really not that complicated.

Had the South been left alone and allowed to freely part ways, there would have been no war. There would have not been 750,000 deaths and who knows how many maimed. Lincoln is credited with “saving” the Union. What exactly did he save?

Had men in Europe been allowed to freely associate and trade without the State interfering, World War One would have never taken place. There would not have been the political will for an Adolph Hitler, a Mussolini or a Stalin to come to power had the first war not taken place. What a different place the world could be.

The State is intrinsically evil. Politicians and bureaucrats are by nature narcissistic at best and psychotic at worst.  Governments are responsible for killing 260 million people in the 20th century. The U.S. government is culpable as any. The U.S. government is not exceptional, no matter how much they proclaim they are.

First, people must reject the nationalist fervor that propels this nation into one war after the other if we ever expect anything to change. Once the people decide to deny the State their progeny and their labor, the beast will starve. Unfortunately a large percentage of the people continue not just to acquiesce to, but wholeheartedly endorse the obvious failed policies of the neoconservative warmongers! The level of intellectual dishonesty exhibited by supporters of this whacked system is staggering.

Secondly, we must begin to dismantle this system our fathers and grandfathers abided over. I’m not blaming them, for they were duped. We don’t have to be. We know the truth. Accurate information about our history is so freely available now we have no excuse. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to undo what took three or four generations to establish. It won’t be easy, but it must be done.

Below are two must read articles that are very relevant to the subject of world peace. The first was written 10 years ago by Jim Powell. The second written on Christmas day by David Stockman. Reading the most recent article makes the first one seem almost prophetic.

Jim Powell: A Libertarian View of the Worst Catastrophe in History.

David Stockman: Why There is No Peace On Earth



The Education Cabal

At a Christmas gathering the other night, I was chatting with a friend who works in the corporate world and the conversation turned toward education. This man grew up on a farm and left the farm, went to college, got a degree and now has a successful corporate career. His dad is a successful retired farmer with no college education, so he has seen both sides.

He was lamenting the fact that it was going to be very difficult to finance his kid’s college education, but he was committed to doing it. I commented that maybe they should consider an alternative to college and he was somewhat incredulous at my suggestion. He is convinced that without that prized piece of parchment, their opportunities for employment would be seriously curtailed.



That is probably true if you are looking at a corporate job, since a BA is the new High School Diploma. Without it, you probably won’t even be considered in many companies. However, more and more people are questioning the value of a BA, and whether it is worth having a five or even six figure mortgage for the privilege of having that sheepskin to nail to the wall. Moreover, many other companies are beginning to understand that it is a person’s qualifications, measured by performance and results, that really matter.

Almost everyone I’m acquainted with believes that you must have a degree to be successful. That belief, like every other prevarication disseminated by the Hegelian Aristocracy, must be rejected.

The Education Establishment is pricing itself out of the market. (Even though those who don’t believe in the market are subject to its laws) The tipping point is already here. This Education Cabal consists of government, unions and those on the receiving end, namely teachers, professors and administrators. The latter are almost always given a pass and rarely held to account for the systemic disease that is rampant in education. But who is paying the union dues and accepting tenure? Taxpayers who vote to uphold and expand the status quo are also culpable since they control the purse strings.

The good news is it is likely we will see the demise of this system, hopefully soon. The bad news is the “publicans” and the democrats will both continue to prop up this moribund camarilla until even they realize it is unsustainable.

This is a great article by Gary North on the subject.



Supporting The Troops

As expected, my last post generated a fair amount of feedback, most of it negative.

What was not expected, however, was the fact that those who took me to task missed my point entirely. The post was taken as an attack on the members of the military and it clearly was not. My main point was to question the obsequious admiration toward the members of the military that is seemingly typical of the Evangelical Right, who claim to follow the Prince of Peace. My goal was to determine the reason for it.

Not one person attempted to refute the points in the post. I believe that is because they cannot. What was called into question were my motives and my loyalty to the “team”, to use their analogy.  I was told I should support the troops because they are just following orders. I was called a complainer. I was told that I didn’t have the right to spout my political “theory” since I hadn’t “served”.

If “serving” in the military is a qualification to be involved in political discourse, then the other 99 percent of the citizenry should best keep their mouth shut then! Of course that is a ridiculous statement that was apparently the result of a knee-jerk reaction, and I’m fairly confident that person, upon further consideration, would retract that statement.

The reaction to the post really proved the point of it. Nationalistic jingoism trumps the truth. Evidently some people don’t want to know the truth. I was told point blank they “did not want to hear it”. Apparently it interferes with their sense of patriotism that was instilled in them. Believe me, I get it. I am still prone to it. We all want to be on the winning team!

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” ~ John Adams

But this isn’t about winners and losers. It’s about pointing out the motivations that drive the U.S. led military machine toward more and more war. Here’s your first clue. It has nothing to do with national defense. Natural resources (read oil), hegemony and profit are the pretexts that induce the powerful elite to engage in their bellicose pursuits.

There must come a time when those that are volunteering to fight the politician’s wars have some level of culpability. If conscription was in force, then of course it would be more difficult to hold them to account, but it is not. No one goes into the military without at least a cursory understanding of what they’re getting themselves into. And I reiterate, it is a voluntary arrangement. Mindless platitudes about “service” and sacrifice only accomplish to absolve the military members of any responsibility.

As I am not as articulate as some and don’t have the time or the energy to devote to fully fleshing this subject out, I will link to an article by Joachim Hagopian, who has. Very well I might add. Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. Having “served”, he, according to some at least, has a legitimate platform on which to expatiate on the subject of political “theory”.



Government Indoctrination Works

Apparently on even the most stalwart supposed right wingers.

Having spent most of my adult life associating with professing Christians, of which I am one, most of the people I’m acquainted with are of that stripe. Not a bad thing. Almost everyone I know is trustworthy, dependable, and generous. It’s been mostly a pleasure to be associated with a group that for the most part displays those attributes. Of course none of us are perfect……

So what I’m about to say is difficult, but it is the truth.

I’m not a fan of social media. In fact, I wouldn’t even have a Facebook or Twitter account except in the world of business and website search engine optimization, they are essential tools in driving traffic to your site and therefore your business. So I reluctantly use them and log on somewhat frequently to upload new content and check requests, likes and posts.

I accepted friend requests early on (I don’t anymore), and because of my nature, I haven’t been able to bring myself to defriend them. Don’t want them to feel bad, you know. Must be my Norwegian heritage. I hope I didn’t commit a micro-aggression there.

So when I log on to my account (you can’t have merely a business account, you must have it under your personal account), I indulge my guilty pleasure by scrolling down through the posts. All the while muttering that I have better things to do. Recipes, cute pictures of kids, feel-good slogans, heart warming stories and the like. You know what I’m talking about. I’m not sure why, but there are posts from people I don’t know, but assume are friends of my friends. But there’s one thing that really bugs me.

If you’ve been following my blog, you know where I stand on the US government and their military interventionism around the world. No secret there. What I have difficulty with on Facebook is the seemingly universal adulation for all things military. Hardly a day goes by where there is not some post usually accompanied by a graphic on how I should thank the troops for their “service”. Or how I wouldn’t have my freedoms if it weren’t for the troops. Or how they fight “over there” to keep us safe “over here”. There’s a lot of praise for Law Enforcement putting their lives on the line on Facebook as well (a job that is safer than being a truck driver, a logger, a fisherman, construction worker among many others. Police don’t make the top ten) but I’ll save that for another post.

Last time I checked we had an all volunteer military. (Cops too) So why the fawning over someone doing a job that they’re paid for (very well I might add) and they willingly accepted? It takes about ten seconds to completely think that concept through and come up with the same conclusion I have. So why do professing Christians apparently subscribe to what is clearly propaganda?

There’s only one explanation I can come up with. Nationalism. It’s a powerful devotion and our leaders know it. It is drilled into us from kindergarten on in the government schools. Malleable children pledge allegiance to a government that from its inception began to veer away from its founding principles. They will buy into the official narrative almost every time. It comes from all directions. Textbooks, media, even the popular culture. It is ingrained in the societal fabric. These children become adults. Could that be the problem?

Southington, Connecticut school children pledge their allegiance to the flag, in May 1942.

The Bellamy Salute used for the pledge of allegiance up until 1942.

As a group, the Evangelical Right largely believes the U.S. is exceptional. This is an arrogant, elitist position to hold. The interesting thing is that Jesus eschewed the government narrative and policies whether it was the Jewish leadership (whom He referred to. as hypocrites) or the Roman government, an empire with surprisingly parallel attributes to the U.S. government. Why do Evangelical Christians widely accept the government message that we need to always be at war? The only answer I can come up with is that they have been propagandized. What other answer is there?

Answer these questions and they’ll tell you if you’ve bought into the official government narrative:

1. Did Lincoln want to see slavery abolished?

Answer: No. In fact the emancipation proclamation was a war strategy aimed at building an insurrection among the blacks in the rebel states. Lincoln was actively planning to recolonize all the blacks because he didn’t believe they should live along side the “superior race”.

Most people believe Lincoln was the “Great Emancipator”. Nothing could be further from the truth. However that is what most are taught as children.

Lincoln was not unlike the neocons of today. The war was not about slavery, but protecting the tariffs that flowed disproportionately to the north aiding the Northern crony capitalists of the day that had Lincoln in their back pocket. Up to 750,000 men died for the enrichment of a few wealthy men. Sound familiar?

This is established, accepted and recorded history. You just won’t hear it from the government.

2. Who shot JFK?

Answer: Clearly not Oswald. It only takes one viewing of the Zapruder film to rule that out. If you believe the Warren Commission then you’re way off. But if you don’t accept the official government story, you’re branded a conspiracy theorist. (A termed coined by the CIA to discredit people who disagreed with them. This is a fact, look it up.)

3.  Was Osama Bin Laden behind 9/11?

Answer: Unlikely. If you believe the 9/11 Commission report, you’d better keep reading. Again, there is no shortage of verifiable contradictions to the official story.

4. Were there WMD’s in Iraq?

Answer: No. But you knew that one. George “Dubya” Bush said there was though. I even bought that whopper. Iraq was a sham perpetuated by Dick Cheney and company to pacify their Oligarch masters. Halliburton made $40 billion during the Iraq war. Again, this is not some theory, all verifiable fact. War is a profitable business.

5. Who created ISIS and how are they funded?

Answer: The U.S. Government. This is now clear. The U.S. armed and trained this group through indirect means no doubt, but without the U.S. there would be no ISIS. Now Turkey, a NATO ally, is shooting down Russian airplanes, apparently in an effort to protect ISIS? Why would that be?  It is now coming out Turkey has been buying oil from ISIS. This whole thing is some sort of a sick joke foisted on us by the same people you give almost half your money to. Stay tuned. World War Three is a distinct possibility. Do you still want to continue to send our young men to fight these needless interventions?

The U.S. military is an arm of the banksters and the industrialists who buy politicians like the prostitutes they are. It tantalizes impressionable young men with phrases like “Be all you can be”, “Army of One” and “It’s not just a job, it’s an adventure”. Then when they’re all used up, they send many of them home missing limbs and most with minds seared with horrible scenes they’ll never forget. The suicide rate among veterans is astounding. Young male veterans commit suicide at a rate three times higher than the civilian population. That’s a very telling statistic. Think about that the next time you see a slogan praising the military.







Emmer Wants More War

Tom Emmer, who has claimed to lean libertarian, (not sure how that’s done) tweeted yesterday that he is seeking a declaration of war against ISIS. By the way, Emmer revealed immediately after his election victory he was going to join the neocons by voting for John Boehner for speaker. I wrote previously about this.


While I suppose I should at least give the guy credit for actually seeking a declaration of war, the proper constitutional method for engaging in war (which hasn’t happened since 1941), it’s clear he has completely gone off the reservation and joined the Washington War Machine.

ISIS is a direct result of Washington’s meddling in the Middle East. So they do have a responsibility to clean up the mess, however, a massive shift in foreign policy is needed, not more bombs and dead or maimed US soldiers.

The West, led by Washington and her Oligarch Masters, has become an evil alliance intent on the destruction of our way of life, all the while masquerading as the good guys. When will the people turn off the TV and wake up? It can start with you.

Crime, Law and Punishment

What is law? It seems like an easy question. But is it easy to answer?

In a practical sense, it is probably best defined as the result of legislation. But is that what law really is? Or should be?

In the past, law was “discovered” by men of wisdom and character as according to Murray Rothbard. Frederic Bastiat wrote in “The Law” in 1850 about the perversion of the law and what ultimately what the law is as applied to the individual.  Fritz Kern explains, “For us law needs only one attribute in order to give it validity; it must, directly or indirectly, be sanctioned by the State. But in the Middle Ages, different attributes altogether were essential; mediaeval law must be “old” law and must be “good” law….If law were not old and good law, it was not law at all, even though it were formally enacted by the State.”

Because fifty percent plus one decrees something, does that make it law? If you understand law as the aforementioned men did, the answer would be no. So then what is legislation then if it is not tyranny? If fifty percent plus one decided through legislation that everyone named Joe should be imprisoned, would that be a just law? The answer is obvious. By applying the same logic, if fifty percent plus one decided through legislation that you could be jailed for possessing a certain plant or driving a vehicle while your blood contains a substance exceeding some arbitrary level, the answer should be obvious. But most on both sides of the political spectrum clearly don’t see the obvious contradiction.

The law should be for recourse in the event of harm. You are entitled to defend your person, your property and your liberty. By force if necessary. You are not entitled to arbitrarily take another person’s life, liberty or property by force. But we have deputized members of our society to do exactly that. We call them “Law Enforcement”. So the busybodies that pass the legislation have an enforcement arm for their silly little dictates.

The law should be applied when there has been harm to an individual. If a person through their own negligence crashes their car into you and causes you harm, they are liable. You are entitled to recover your damages, to the full extent of the law. If that same person stops at the bar on the way home from work and downs 5 drinks and drives his car home without harming anyone, why should that person suffer violence at the hand of the deputized brigade of “law” enforcers because some group of legislators (fifty percent plus one) said so?

Using another vehicular analogy, if a person is driving his vehicle above an arbitrary speed limit, but harms no one, why is he deemed a criminal? How about if his windows are tinted too dark according to an arbitrary standard which varies from state to state or his tires have low tread on them. Or, God forbid, he is CAUGHT DRIVING WITHOUT HIS SEAT BELT!. All jail-able offenses.

Now you’re probably saying, “they don’t take you to jail for that stuff”. Try not paying the ticket and see what happens.

If a person is in possession of a plant that is capable if inducing euphoria upon consumption he is deemed a criminal. If that same person is in possession of a pharmaceutical substance that induces euphoria upon consumption without a permission slip from a doctor, he is deemed a criminal, but if he has a permission slip from a doctor, he is not deemed a criminal.

These are arbitrary rules, not laws by the classic definition. Rule-breakers are now treated as criminals. Break the rules and you go to jail. It doesn’t matter that you’ve harmed no one.

Considering the precedent I’m attempting to establish here, then should you be able to do what ever you want on your own property as long as you don’t harm anyone? Last week a person here in my state was jailed for not removing a buried slab of concrete next to his house that was below ground level. Because the city arbitrarily decreed he remove it and he refused, he was subject to the violence of the busybody crowd.

These are all simple examples of the rules we’re subject to at the hands of the “law” makers. If they all were to be listed they would fill volumes.

Whether they’re city council members, state legislators, or members of the US Congress, these people’s mission in life is to interfere with your liberty and figure out new and exciting ways to include you in their list of “criminals”. Think about that the next time you’re voting.

We’ve been conditioned to accept the idea that “democracy” is the best form of governance. It’s nothing more than the tyranny of the majority. If you believe the polls about the approval rating of the President and Congress, it’s really the tyranny of the minority. Now just think about the idea that it only takes 269 people to pass legislation that affects 320 million people. That’s the tyranny of the .000001%. Then take into consideration that really only 5 lawyers in black robes appointed for life make that ultimate determination for you.

Land of the free? Don’t make me laugh.


Debate or Reality Show

I managed to watch about half of the Republican Debate on CNN the other night before I just couldn’t take any more and turned it off.

If these are the best the Republicans can come up with, the party is in trouble, not to mention the citizens of this country. The country is already in deep doo-doo, but there was nary a mention of the real problems we are facing, but I digress.

Hayek was spot on when he observed that “(it) is for this reason that the unscrupulous and uninhibited are likely to be more “successful” in a society tending toward totalitarianism” in chapter 10 entitled “Why The Worst Get On Top” in his book “The Road to Serfdom”.

The “stars” of the show, and it really was a carefully scripted show, were the most obnoxious, rude and opportunistic of the bunch. The polite, well-spoken men were relegated to the back of the bus. Rand Paul had probably some of the most intelligent responses, but in the middle on time allotted. If it weren’t for his comments on drugs, he would have probably gotten little or no post-debate commentary. He had some of the best rhetoric regarding foreign and domestic intervention, but it’s probably too little, too late.

Rand Paul is a huge disappointment unfortunately. When he sounded more like his father, his poll numbers were much higher, but he has chosen the supposed safety of the neocon path, which will result in his demise. He also suffers from nice-guy syndrome.

What many must be finding perplexing is the fact that Donald Trump continues to lead in the polls, but in the debate had nothing of substance to say. He claims he will “make America great again”, but offers no specifics. He has proven he will do what he says in the business realm, so maybe he will, who knows? Much of what he claims he will do sounds so hyperbolic, it’s hard to take him seriously.

Ted Cruz revealed himself as a Hamiltonian. Hamilton was a strong proponent of a powerful central government. Those so-called Tea Partiers who support him may want to reconsider.

Carly Fiorina attempted to position herself as a militarist who would be willing to go toe-to-toe with Putin. Tough talk, but unrealistic. She must be jockeying for some military/industrial complex contributions. What has Putin ever done to her anyway? Or the US? Is it just me or does she come off as a sourpuss?

Kasich and Cruz went into TV ad mode every time the camera was on them. Real earthy stuff. I felt real warm and fuzzy.

Christie was in federal prosecutor mode the whole night. The thought of having him as president is a scary prospect. He will continue to rout out those “terrorists” though. I wonder if he can name one terrorist he supposedly jailed?

Carson is a smart guy, but still not exactly sure where he stands on anything. He has publicly stated he is for forced vaccinations and is a little wobbly on gun control. That alone is enough to disqualify him.

Rubio is an opportunistic neocon who only knows how to speak in sound-bites. In other words a typical politician.

Walker, or as referred to by the media, Dead Man Walker, as of this writing has dropped out of the race. I guess the Koch influence wasn’t enough.

Bush is well, a Bush. The third in the Bush presidential trifecta. The culmination of the Bush political dynasty that has ruled us for so long now. (The Bush family influence goes back almost 100 years) And considering the money and the power behind him, the likely nominee. I will go out on a limb right now and make that prediction. Actually, I hope I’m proven wrong.

So why is Trump still leading by a huge margin? It’s pretty clear people have had enough of politicians. They’re looking for something, anything different. That is the mistake Rand Paul made. He comes across as a politician, and people don’t want politicians. Trump is experiencing the Jesse Ventura effect. When the voters have had enough, they’ll vote for anyone different. It’s doubtful he’ll ride that wave to the end unfortunately. In the meantime, it will continue to be entertaining watching him foil the establishment types who seem desperate for him to stick to the script.

Viva Donald Trump!

Swords into Plowshares

I just finished Ron Paul’s latest book, Swords into Plowshares: A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity. I would have to give it 5 stars. Pick up a copy ASAP. You won’t be disappointed.

I was surprised at how the book invoked an emotional response. I literally shed tears three times while reading this wonderful tome. Ron Paul masterfully and articulately presents the most cogent anti-war publication I’ve ever read. It’s probably the best one ever written in modern times.

I think I’ve read every book he has written. Many of his books reiterate his main points which are well known already by those of us who have come to know and love Ron Paul. I expected this one to be the same, but I was wrong. It was so fresh and so clearly presented, it was a very easy read. In a way, however, it was difficult to be bombarded with so much truth. I wish more people were hungry for pure unadulterated truth. This book would be more of a best seller than it already is.

Probably the most compelling argument he makes is that the people should reject the propaganda and nationalism on either side which entices people to send their children to be sacrificed for the powerful elite without questioning the motives for war. Going all the way back to the War of Northern Aggression, the reasons for war have always been to enrich the powerful and elite. This is not speculation or hyperbole, but simple fact.

Another point expounded on is the banker’s roles in war. All the wars that the US has been involved in in the last 150 years could not have been waged without the money printers. Paul correctly points out that the government is able to wage war without the express consent of the people because of the ability of the central bank to finance the wars. If the wars had to be financed by direct levying of taxes on the people, the people would in most, if not all, cases reject the reasons for engaging in war.

The most beautifully moving part of the book was the story of the Christmas truce. This was truly telling about basic human nature. We are after all made in the image of God, so this should not be surprising. Outside of the political machinations that drive the hawks to send other people’s flesh and blood to be killed, these young men would have had nothing against the ones they were shooting at and being shot at by. They would have been friends.

There is also the story of Charlie Brown, a B17 pilot who’s plane was shot up and half his crew was dead or wounded, trying to get back to the base, when German pilot Franz Stigler flew along side. Rather than shooting Brown down, Stigler chivalrously saluted and pointed Brown in the right direction and took off. That story is so heart-warming it brings tears to my eyes when I think of it. These men became friends many years after the war.

Paul ties it all together with an urging to deny the warmongers our bodies and our money. Without those things, they would be unable to wage these unnecessary wars that cost us our blood, treasure and probably most importantly, our liberty. He also correctly points out, that when the US government is in bankruptcy, this will happen by default. Which may not necessarily be a bad thing.

Another surprising aspect of the book is the autobiographical nature of it. We learn much about Ron Paul’s early life and how his world-view was formed. He understood what central monetary policy and price-fixing did to an economy. He lived through it. He dispels the myth that war is somehow good for the economy and the war ended the depression. That myth is nothing more than schoolroom propaganda and he does a wonderful job debunking it.

Please read this book and share it with your friends. I’ll end the post with the ending sentence in the book. “There’s every reason to believe that a philosophy that strips government of all its arbitrary power will provide the world with its best chance for achieving peace and prosperity with AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME.”