Independence Day?

July 4. A federal holiday. That should be your first clue.

What are we celebrating? Independence from whom? Or what?

Yes, yes, we all know. We’re celebrating our independence from the British. Problem is, our “independence” resulted in a much more overreaching and powerful central government than the distant British who’s taxes and restraints on the colonialists were minuscule compared to what we got in return.

History is rife with examples of armed revolts against governments simply transferring power to an even worse government. The US is one of those examples.

Not long after we declared our independence, a few lawyers meeting in secret decided we needed to scrap the Articles of Confederation which effectively neutered Federal power for a “better” document. As a result of specious language that was designed to be “interpreted”, the Federal Government was granted powers eclipsing anything the Brits had over us.

This “better” document, if followed by the criminal class who claim to represent us in Washington, would still ensure our most basic rights, however it is relegated to the scrap heap and replaced by the opinion of 5 political hacks in black robes with lifetime appointments.

This is all by design, so we should not be surprised. Propaganda, particularly through the government schools, has given the majority of US citizens a skewed view of our freedom. Most people who claim to know the constitution believe that it grants us our rights. I trust you know our rights are inherent and the document is supposed to restrain the government. Too bad it doesn’t work.

The South wanted to be independent from the oppressive Northern States. By a show of military force, the loss of 750,000 lives, mass destruction of private property and countless men maimed for life, the nation that revelled in independence from oppression, forced those seeking their own independence to capitulate to their oppressive power. The precedent that the Federal Government owns you was set. That is hypocrisy at it’s finest.

We live in that aftermath and still celebrate? Think that through for a moment and then go about your celebration. If you can.

There are some things to celebrate. You’re only a slave five months of the year, the rest of your labor is yours to keep. That’s good, right?

Gary North has a great article that is apropos for today. You should read it.

Happy…. 4th of July?

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