My Rupp Mini Bike

As I mentioned in a previous post, my early fascination with all things motorized led me to purchase a Rupp Roadster 2 when I was 13. The summer before I had rode along with our neighbors to Bob’s Bike Shop in Spring Valley, MN to purchase a new Rupp for their kids. Walking through the showroom was absolutely euphoric to a young person such as myself. I had to have one! I worked the entire next summer to save enough money and bought one used from Scott Koster in Lime Springs for $135.

The euphoria was again stimulated with that first ride around the farm. However, Scott had removed the air cleaner and my dad instructed me that I would not be riding without the air cleaner or I would ruin the engine. I installed it and it ran like crap. The euphoria rapidly turned to dismay. Fortunately, there was a neighbor, (can’t remember his name) there visiting and gave the carburetor mixture adjustment screw a couple of turns and it ran beautifully. I probably would have figured it out sooner or later.

Mine was the color of the one pictured. Unfortunately, I can’t find any old photos of mine. That little machine was my main mode of transportation for the next couple of years. I put two engines on that thing. Tecumseh’s couldn’t handle the high rpm’s when you bypassed the governor. It was worth it though to squeeze out those last few miles per hour. The connecting rod broke both times and came through the block.

I would love to get one for nostalgic reasons, but they’re bringing 5k restored.  I guess I’ll have to wait for a while.

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