The Iowa Republican Caucus Winner

Facebook is buzzing with the news of Ted Cruz’s victory over Donald Trump in Iowa. The Evangelical Right is once again deluding themselves that their new candidate is the anointed one. Cruz has done a masterful job convincing his supporters that he is an anti-establishment, Christian candidate and even a libertarian. But is that accurate?

Reading his website would make you think this guy is purer than the driven snow. He touts his Baptist credentials, his humble beginnings and his commitment to “life”. Except when it concerns capital punishment of course or ISIS, then the whole life thing goes out the window. He even has a prayer team! It’s a great package for the neocon-warvangelical crowd.


The laziness and gullibility of those who first claim to be followers of Christ and then endorse a demagogue who is merely masquerading as one of them is astonishing. It appears as though the candidates know they can count on it. Obviously!

It doesn’t take much digging to unearth the real Ted Cruz. Princeton and Harvard, worked for the FTC, The Department of Justice as an associate AG, Domestic Policy Adviser to George W. Bush, Solicitor General of Texas, Adjunct Law Professor, United States Senator and now Candidate for POTUS. Married to a Goldman Sachs banker. Yup, sounds like a real outsider.

This guy talks out of both sides of his mouth, but hey, in his defense, he is a very skilled politician. That’s what they all do. He calls the Council On Foreign relations a “pit of viper”s, however his wife was a member. How inconvenient. He proclaims that he would never bail out the big banks, but he got insider loans, by leveraging his retirement accounts, to fund his Senate campaign. Which, by the way, he failed to disclose to the FEC. When the big banksters are asking for their next big bailout, which will happen, it’s pretty unlikely President Cruz will bite the hand that has fed him so well.

His campaign manager, Chad Sweet, former DHS, former Goldman Sachs, former CIA. Insider.

His foreign policy advisor, James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA, is connected to PNAC, a neocon think tank associated with the likes of Bill Kristol. Insider.

One campaign volunteer, Dan Gabriel, runs a company, Applied Memetics LLC, that specializes in modern day propaganda. Their mission seems quasi-Hegelian.

Others connected with his campaign are major Washington insiders capable of pulling some massive strings.

Don’t kid yourself, this guy is far from an outsider, in fact he’s about as inside as you can get. He is NOT a libertarian. Just saying you are doesn’t make you one. How in the world can anybody with an internet connection fall for this tripe? But they do. According to Gabriel’s Applied Memetics company website, “Memes propagate themselves and can move through the cultural sociosphere in a manner similar to the contagious behavior of a virus.”  Edward Bernays would be proud. Those that succumb to the propaganda should be ashamed.

Good further reading below:

Roger Stone’s analysis of Ted Cruz

Kurt Nimmo’s take.