How To Defeat The Tyrannical Police State

“Conspiracy theorists” have long lamented the coming “microchip” that will be implanted under our skin so the government can track our movements. As most of us know, we’ve willing submitted to being tracked by the NSA. We carry the device voluntarily in our pocket or purse everywhere we go. Now Apple will be selling us the latest cool device that is capable of monitoring our vital signs. I will predict that it will be a huge seller.

Unfortunately, most likely the only way to defeat the globalist oligarchs is rejecting their system of surveillance and data compilation. Are we going to willingly give up our wireless devices in order to do that? I will go out on a limb here and say emphatically no.

We’re screwed.

I know that sounds defeatist. I think I’d be willing to do it and actually am seriously considering it, however most people I’m acquainted with, probably including you who are reading this, politely agree or disagree with my rantings and go blithely on their way.

I understand.

Most of us are compelled by more pressing matters. Earning enough to feed our families, running kids to the myriad activities kids are involved in these days (another subject for another day), or maybe we just don’t really think it matters enough to expend any energy on. Plus we really like our gadgets. I’m not judging you. I love my gadgets too. And we are pretty comfortable as of the moment, right? Right? Maybe you should think about it again.

Will you have enough money to retire on? With zero percent interest and a stock market that is in a constant state of bubbles perpetuated by easy Fed money and the Wall Street casino, I’m finding it difficult to plan for my “golden years”. But I digress.

Back to the subject at hand, rather than repeating what’s already been written by others, read Paul Craig Roberts article here. He goes into detail about John Whitehead’s latest book Battlefield America (2015). Whitehead has been sounding the horn on Police State activity and it doesn’t look good for the average citizen.


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