Why Romney Lost

I’m sure this comes as no surprise to my friends and acquaintances that I believe the GOP’s treatment of Ron Paul and his supporters cost Romney the election. The linked article validates my not so humble opinion.


The GOP is a dead dinosaur. Look forward to the party of moochers to be in the majority for the foreseeable future, or at least until the currency collapses, which may not be long. Let just hope for gridlock in Washington. We certainly are not going to have gridlock in MN. Dayton and the Democrats think they have a mandate to have a free-for-all. You can blame that on the wishy-washy spineless “conservative” Republican stadium backers. And Amy Koch.

It’s interesting how the constitutional amendment proposals backfired on the Republicans. It brought the Democrats out in droves while the libertarians stayed home because they were snubbed by the GOP. Funny how that works.

I for one am done with the Republican Party. You would have to drag me to a caucus again and hold a gun to my head to ever get me to be involved in the party that has become unabashedly neoconservative. Besides, now that the GOP has changed the rules, grassroots activism has been essentially neutered. And I’m not the only one. There are dozens of Republican activists I know that are now former Republican activists. I wonder what the next BPOU meeting will be like? Imagine the sound of crickets.

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