If You Voted Republican, You’re Part of The Problem

For that matter, if you voted Democrat, you’re even more part of the problem. In fact, if you voted at all, in most cases you’ve enabled the ruling class to further expand consequently robbing you of more of your precious liberties.

Clearly the Republican neocon establishment has a firm grasp on its caucus. Why else would John Boehner win the speakership virtually hands down? Those Republicans who voted against him are clearly suffering repercussions for their actions. Michele Bachmann’s replacement, Tom Emmer, has plainly shown he has begun consuming the kool-aid on day one of his stint in Congress by voting for Boehner. Evidently so as to not be denied a suckling place at the teat of the powers that be.crybaby john

The Republicans clarion call, since Obamacare was passed, was that they, if elected, would repeal the abomination known as the “Affordable Care Act”. Interestingly, the “CRominibus” bill, passed by a large majority of so-called conservatives, continues to fund Obamacare. So it’s business as usual in Washington, while the Republican activists whistle past the graveyard about their “victory”. Some victory.

In some future election, if the voters simply decided they would only elect individuals-notice I didn’t say politicians- who committed to only passing bills that expand liberty or repeal existing laws, we would experience a sea change in the way of reverting to what Thomas Jefferson envisioned.

That future election will never happen unless the people recognize and admit to themselves that the criminal political class in Washington and state and local governments has been the cause of the malaise among the lower and middle classes. Unfortunately, the situation will have to worsen before the people wake up. Equally as unfortunate is the fact that as the situation worsens, most people will look to the cause of the discomfort, namely the government, to fix it.

So, what will it take? Jefferson alluded to it in his quote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” How metaphorical that statement was no one knows. In order to bring about change, particularly considering the current political climate, it must be taken as a metaphor. Even if an armed uprising were possible, as the most principled member in the last fifty years to grace the halls of Congress has pointed out, it would be ineffective in the long run if the hearts of the people are not changed.

A peaceful revolution must ensue! When will it begin? It has already started. Ron Paul has probably been the most visible proponent of this revolution, but there are hundreds (probably thousands, maybe more) of vocal and articulate authors, lecturers, actors, radio personalities, news anchors, and bloggers spreading the message of liberty and peace.

paul-newDon’t just sit on the sidelines and lament the sorry state of our world. Talk to your neighbors and friends and get them to see how they’ve been duped by the oligarchical propaganda machine. Tell them it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We can all admit to being there at one time, until we saw the light.

Please, please, please read this article by Ron Paul. It is likely the most concise, clear and articulate message you will ever receive about the state of the world today.