The West’s Cultural Decline

The recent revelations regarding torture combined with the fact that a majority of so-called Christians believe it can be justified is disturbing, but not really surprising.


Christians reading this should really examine their beliefs regarding the current culture of war and ensure they are consistent with the teaching of Jesus.

This Bionic Mosquito post sums up the decline of Western culture and the apparent abdication of Biblical Christian ethics by the very ones who claim to abide by them. It is a pensive and sad account, but truth should never be ignored.

Time For A Reboot?


The State has become so firmly entrenched in almost every aspect of our lives, it’s difficult to go a single day without feeling the effects of it.


Power changes hands regularly each election cycle but the bureaucracies the politicians have established for the most part remain unchanged and continue to burgeon unchecked. Ronald Reagan accurately and poignantly pointed this out when he said, “The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program.”


The “power”, however, is really not in the political parties, but in the oligarchical structure that drives politics. Bankers, crony capitalists and the media (the aforementioned structure) don’t really care which party is currently in power. They can accomplish their miscreant deeds because of or in spite of who’s in “power”. Mostly because they are the ones responsible for putting the “powerful” in their respective positions. They are the State. The Deep State if you will.


Most people who have critical thinking skills-obviously a diminishing percentage of the populous-are well aware of the corruption that takes place at all levels of government, but feel powerless to do anything about it other than to complain and dutifully show up at the voting booth. As we know neither changes anything.

Political action benefits no one except the politicians. It may make those involved in the political action feel like they’re actually bringing about some sort of change when “their guy” gets elected, but history shows us that the State continues to grow unabated regardless of whether “their guy” is a Republican or a Democrat. So called “conservatives” are responsible for some of the largest government programs, most recently “No Child Left Behind” and “Medicare part D”.


So, what to do?


When your computer runs too long, the code tends to get corrupted causing your computer to run slowly, do strange things or crash. So you reboot it. Your system reverts to its default parameters and runs good (good being relative, especially if you are running Windows) again until the code becomes corrupted again. Perfectly analogous to the State. The system needs a reboot. In this case the analogous reversion would be to DOS. Or maybe the abacus. Or maybe a better analogy would be to wipe the hard drive and install Linux. The State needs to be abolished altogether.


This may sound simplistic, idealistic and impractical. Most would consider it impossible, however, it is really the only solution.

So, how to do it?

Secede. On a state, county or city level it would be unlikely to take place in our current culture. However, it can be done on a personal level. Position yourself to be unaffected (or at least less affected) by the State. You go “Galt”. The State cannot survive without the express consent of those under its giant thumb. Once the people begin to resist en masse, the State fails. Unfortunately, the only way this will likely come about is after a massive collapse. If the prognosticators that have been right in the past are correct, we are in for a major correction at the very least and a total worldwide economic collapse is probably inevitable. This will be bad for the State in the long run. Maybe we should hope for it.