New Legislation Would Repeal Laws that Brought the Surveillance State

Your neighbors and coworkers are watching your every move. Remotely operated drones hover overhead automatically cataloging everything that moves. A faceless computer somewhere in the middle of a desert is recording every electronic interaction you make. Agents stand by waiting to violate your person and rifle through your belongings when you travel. Swarms of militarized police await their orders to come barreling through your door at the drop of a hat.

With the stroke of a pen they’ve defined you as a terrorist and authorized your execution. Then they gave themselves the mandate to arrest and detain you without charge or trial. They’ve even created a secret court that can determine your guilt without publicly presenting any evidence against you.

According to our government it is not only justified, but perfectly legal, and those in power often cite thousands of pages of laws and  regulations, all made possible by Congressional mandates like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act.

This is the police state in which you live.

~Mac Slavo

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This isn’t a future scenario. It’s what’s happening NOW! We have allowed it to happen under the guise of stopping “terrorists” and a blind faith that the government will keep us safe. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Who will keep us safe from the government?

It makes the writings of Huxley, Orwell and Rand seem almost prophetic. Scary.